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Here are the steps you can follow to detect any errors:

  1. Check your internet connection: Make sure your device is connected to the internet and has enough bandwidth to download the app.

  2. Clear cache and data: Go to the "Settings" menu of your device, then select "Apps", find "Google Play Store" and "Google Play Services", then click on "Clear cache" and "Clear data".

  3. Restart your phone: Restarting your device might help to fix any issues that could cause errors when installing apps.

  4. Verify storage space: Check if you have enough storage space on your device to download and install the app.

  5. Check for error messages: Look for any error messages displayed by the Google Play Store, be it a code or a message.

  6. Check for compatibility: Ensure that the app you are trying to install is compatible with your device.

  7. Check for updates: Verify if any updates are available for your device, as some apps require the latest version of the operating system to work correctly.

If none of the above solutions work, you can visit Google Play Help Center or contact the app developer for further assistance.