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There are multiple alternative methods to clear Spring Cache if not using the Scheduled annotation:

  1. Programmatically clear the cache using the CacheManager object. This can be done by calling the CacheManager's clear() method or by iterating through each cache and calling its clear() method.

  2. Using events to trigger cache clearing. Spring provides an event system where we can publish and handle events. We can publish a custom event on a cache update or a data change, and in the event handler, we can clear the cache.

  3. Using AOP to add cache eviction advice. We can use Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) to add advice to the function that updates the data. In the advice, we can clear the cache.

  4. Using Redis. Redis is an in-memory data structure store that can function as a cache. We can use Redis to store our cache, and when we need to clear the cache, we can flush the data from Redis cache.