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Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD), and Continuous Deployment (CD) are related software development practices, but have different goals and practices.

Continuous Integration: It is the practice of continuously compiling, building, testing, and integrating code changes from different team members into a shared code repository. The goal is to catch and resolve conflicts or errors early in the development process to avoid problems in later stages of development.

Continuous Delivery: It is the practice of automating the deployment of code changes into a production-like environment for testing and quality assurance. The goal is to ensure that the code is always in a deployable state, thus reducing the risk of human error and time spent on manual testing.

Continuous Deployment: It is the practice of automatically deploying code changes into production once they pass all tests and meet specific criteria. The goal is to increase the speed of delivering new features and improvements to users.

In short, CI focuses on code integration and collaboration among teams, CD focuses on automating the deployment of code changes into a production-like environment for testing, and CD focuses on automating the deployment of code changes into production.