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There can be multiple reasons why an nginx server may not be responding with files. Some of the most common reasons include:

  1. Incorrect server configuration: If the nginx server is not configured properly, it may not be able to serve files correctly. Double-checking the server configuration can help in identifying and resolving the issue.

  2. Incorrect file permissions: If the file permissions are not set correctly, the nginx server may not be able to access and serve the requested files. Configuring the correct file permissions can help in resolving the issue.

  3. Firewall or network issues: If there are firewall or network issues, the nginx server may not be able to serve files correctly. Checking the firewall settings and resolving any network issues can help in resolving the issue.

  4. Insufficient resources: If the server does not have sufficient resources like CPU, memory, or disk space, the nginx server may not be able to serve files correctly. Upgrading the server resources or optimizing the existing resources can help in resolving the issue.

  5. Malware or virus infection: If the server is infected with malware or a virus, it may affect the server's ability to serve files. Scanning the server for malware and taking appropriate actions can help in resolving the issue.