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The process for constructing Resource ARNs using CDK includes the following steps:

  1. Define the CDK stack: Begin by defining an instance of the CDK stack class. This will provide a logical container for all the resources that you want to create.

  2. Add resources: Next, add the resources you want to create to the stack. This can include things like IAM roles, S3 buckets, and Lambda functions.

  3. Create resource objects: Once you've added the resources to the stack, create their corresponding object representations using the appropriate CDK construct class. For example, you might create an S3 bucket object using the S3Bucket construct class.

  4. Extract resource ARNs: Now that you have created the resource objects, you can extract their ARNs using the ARN attribute. This will give you a unique identifier for each resource that you can use in IAM policies or other AWS services.

  5. Combine with other resources: You can also combine these ARNs with other resources, such as role ARNs, to construct more complex ARNs for use in AWS services like SNS or SQS.

  6. Deploy stack: Finally, you can deploy the stack with the CDK deploy command to create all the resources and their corresponding ARNs in AWS.