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The interval values in indexeddb are chosen by specifying the range of values to be indexed using a range object. The range object is created using the IDBKeyRange constructor, which takes in two parameters, lowerBound and upperBound, to define the range of values to be indexed.

The following steps outline the process for choosing interval values in indexeddb:

  1. Create a range object using the IDBKeyRange constructor.

  2. Specify the lowerBound and upperBound values to define the range of values to be indexed.

  3. Pass the range object as a parameter to the index method of the object store.

  4. The indexeddb system will automatically assign interval values based on the specified range.

  5. The interval values can then be used to perform queries on the indexed data.

Overall, the process for choosing interval values in indexeddb involves defining a range of values to be indexed and letting the system automatically assign appropriate interval values based on the specified range.