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The process for utilizing GetIntExtra (Intent) in an Android/Xamarin.Android canvas involves the following steps:

  1. Define the intent in the activity or code that sends the intent.
  2. Add the required extras to the intent, including the integer extra that you want to retrieve.
  3. Call the intent using the start activity method.
  4. In the activity or code that receives the intent, get the integer extra by calling the corresponding GetIntExtra() method using the intent object.

Here is a sample code that receives an integer extra from an intent:

protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

    // get the intent that started this activity
    Intent intent = Intent;

    // get the integer extra from the intent
    int intValue = intent.GetIntExtra("intExtraName", 0);

    // use the integer value
    TextView textView = FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.textView);
    textView.Text = "Received integer extra: " + intValue;

In this code snippet, the intent is received in the OnCreate method of the activity. The integer extra is retrieved by calling the GetIntExtra method on the intent object, passing in the name of the extra and a default value in case the extra is not found. Finally, the integer value is displayed in a TextView.

Note that the name of the extra (in this case, "intExtraName") must be unique and match the name used when setting the extra in the sending activity/code.