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Yes, there are several tutorials available that explain how to use Fabric for implementing functions that were previously implemented by centralized servers in detail. Here are some resources you can use to get started:

  1. The official Fabric documentation provides a comprehensive guide to using Fabric to build decentralized applications. The documentation covers key concepts, including smart contracts, Ethereum virtual machine, and more.

  2. The Solidity programming language is used to develop smart contracts for the Ethereum platform. The Solidity documentation provides a comprehensive guide to getting started with Solidity, writing and deploying smart contracts, and integrating them with your decentralized application.

  3. The Truffle Suite is a development framework that makes it easy to build and test decentralized applications. The Truffle documentation provides a step-by-step guide to using Truffle to create and deploy your decentralized application.

  4. The OpenZeppelin library is a widely used library of smart contracts that can be used to build decentralized applications. The OpenZeppelin documentation provides a guide to using the library and integrating it with your application.

By following these tutorials and resources, you should have a good understanding of how to use Fabric to implement functions that were previously implemented by centralized servers.