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Without more information about the specific issue you are encountering, it is difficult to provide a specific solution. However, here are some tips that may be helpful:

  1. Make sure that you have correctly connected the Arduino to your computer via USB cable and opened the correct serial port in the Arduino IDE or your serial monitor software.

  2. Check that the baud rate of your serial communication matches the baud rate specified in the serial begin statement in your code.

  3. You may need to include a delay or loop in your code after initiating the serial communication, to give the Arduino time to establish a connection with your computer.

  4. If your code is running slowly or experiencing glitches, it may be helpful to add a simple Serial.println statement to your code to provide feedback through the serial monitor, to help you debug the issue.

  5. If none of these suggestions solve your issue, please provide more information about the specific error message or behavior you are encountering, so we can help you more effectively.