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Yes, it is possible to retrieve a collection of Enums while excluding one using Linq.

To exclude a specific Enum value, you can use the Where method in Linq with a condition that checks if the Enum value is not equal to the excluded value.

For example, let's say you have an Enum called Fruit with values Apple, Banana, Orange, and Pear and you want to retrieve a collection of all fruits except for Orange. You can use the following code:

var allFruitsExceptOrange = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Fruit))
                                 .Where(fruit => fruit != Fruit.Orange)

In this code, Enum.GetValues(typeof(Fruit)) retrieves an array of all possible values for the Enum Fruit. The Cast<Fruit>() method converts this array to a collection of Fruit objects. The Where method is then used to filter out any Fruit values that are equal to Fruit.Orange. Finally, the ToList() method is used to convert the filtered results to a List of Fruit values.