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Yes, it is possible to use third-party packages or alternative methods to highlight differences in both the target and query strings that are denoted with dashes. Here are some examples:

  1. Diff-Match-Patch: This package provides a robust way to compare two strings and highlight the differences using HTML tags. It can handle not only differences denoted with dashes, but also differences in words, lines, and characters.

  2. Python's difflib module: This standard library module can also compare two strings and generate a difference report. The report can be formatted using various output formats, such as unified diff, context diff, or HTML. It can also handle white space and line-ending differences.

  3. Regular expressions: If the differences are always denoted with dashes, you can use regular expressions to match and highlight them. For example, you can use the re.sub() function to replace the dashes with HTML tags, such as ---, and then display the strings in a browser. Note that this approach may have limitations if the dashes can also occur within words or if the strings contain other special characters.