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There could be several reasons why useEffect is not being triggered when the component is loaded in React. Some common reasons are:

  1. Dependency array: useEffect only runs when the dependencies in the dependency array change. If there are no dependencies listed in the array, it will run on every render. Make sure to include all relevant dependencies in the array for useEffect to trigger on component load.

  2. Incorrect placement: The placement of useEffect can also cause it to not trigger on component load. If it is placed inside a conditional statement or inside a function, it may not be called when the component mounts.

  3. Asynchronous code: If the useEffect hook is triggering asynchronous code, it may not complete before the component is fully rendered, causing the hook to not be triggered on component load.

  4. Component not unmounting: useEffect can also be triggered when a component unmounts. If the component is never unmounted, useEffect may not be triggered on the initial mount.

Check for these common issues, and make sure your syntax and implementation are correct. If the issue persists, it may be due to a more complex or specific problem.