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To override a generic method in an interface, follow these steps:

  1. Define a subinterface of the interface that contains the generic method.
  2. In the subinterface, provide a type parameter for the generic method.
  3. Override the generic method in the subinterface with a concrete implementation that uses the provided type parameter.

For example, consider the following interface with a generic method:

public interface MyInterface {
    <T> void doSomething(T thing);

To override this method using a specific type, define a subinterface like this:

public interface MySubInterface extends MyInterface {
    void doSomething(String thing);

This subinterface provides a concrete implementation of the doSomething method that uses the String type parameter. By extending the original interface and overriding the generic method, we can provide a specific implementation for the method while preserving the rest of the interface's functionality.