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To convert an open3d visualizer into a 3D model, you can use the following process:

  1. Load the desired 3D geometry (e.g. point cloud, mesh) using Open3D's read_point_cloud() or read_triangle_mesh() functions.

  2. Create an Open3D visualizer window using the open3d.visualization.Visualizer() method.

  3. Add the loaded 3D geometry to the visualizer using the add_geometry() method.

  4. Render the visualizer using the run() method.

  5. Once the visualizer is running, capture the 3D geometry (e.g. point cloud or mesh) using Open3D's capture_screen_float_buffer().

  6. Convert the captured image to a 3D model using a point cloud or mesh processing library, such as PointCloudLibrary (PCL) or MeshLab.

  7. Save the resulting 3D model in a desired file format (e.g. .ply, .obj) using Open3D's write_point_cloud() or write_triangle_mesh() functions.

Overall, the process involves loading the 3D geometry, rendering it in the visualizer, capturing the image, then converting that image to a 3D model in a separate processing library.