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The procedure to utilize the pre-existing UIS-RNN model would depend on the specific implementation of the model and the intended use case. Generally speaking, the following steps can be followed:

  1. Obtain the pre-trained model: The pre-existing UIS-RNN model should be downloaded or obtained from the relevant source, along with any necessary dependencies or requirements.

  2. Prepare the input data: The input data should be prepared in the desired format as expected by the model. This may involve preprocessing the data, transforming it according to the model's requirements, and splitting it into appropriate train and test sets.

  3. Load the model: The pre-trained model should be loaded into memory, along with any necessary configurations or parameters.

  4. Make predictions: Using the loaded model, the input data can be fed to the model to generate predictions or outputs. The predictions may be evaluated as needed, and the model may be fine-tuned or adjusted accordingly.

  5. Save or export the results: The results of the predictions may be saved or exported as desired, depending on the intended use case.

Overall, the procedure for utilizing a pre-existing UIS-RNN model would involve loading and configuring the model, preparing and feeding input data to the model, and saving or exporting the results.