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initial version
  1. Identify the error message: Check the error message in the Docker build log to understand the root cause of the error. It can help you identify what went wrong.

  2. Check the Dockerfile: Review the Dockerfile for any mistakes or omissions. Make sure that it is properly formatted, and that all the necessary commands and dependencies are included.

  3. Check dependencies: Verify that the dependencies specified in the Dockerfile are correct and that they can be accessed.

  4. Check environment variables: Ensure that any environment variables required in the Dockerfile are set correctly.

  5. Debugging: Debugging with the help of the error message can be done by creating an interactive container from an image and modifying the image interactively to debug.

  6. Rebuild the Docker image: Once you have identified the source of the error, make the necessary changes in the Dockerfile, or any dependent files, and then rebuild the Docker image by running the docker build command again.

  7. Repeat above steps if the error persists: If the error persists, repeat the above steps until you find a solution.