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There could be several reasons why ActionCable.server.broadcast is not broadcasting:

  1. Make sure that you have called ActionCable.server.broadcast with the correct arguments. The first argument should be the name of the channel you want to broadcast to, and the second argument should be the data you want to broadcast.

  2. Check that the channel you're broadcasting to exists. Double-check the channel name and ensure that it has been defined in your app.

  3. If you have specified a specific room to broadcast to, make sure that there are subscribers in that room. If there aren't any subscribers, the broadcast won't be sent.

  4. Ensure that your Action Cable connection is properly established. If the connection is not established, the broadcast will fail.

  5. Make sure there are no syntax errors or mistakes in your code that prevent the broadcast from executing.

  6. Check the server logs to see if there are any error messages that could provide more information about the problem.

  7. If you are using Redis for message relay, make sure Redis is running and configured correctly.

  8. Verify that the broadcast is not going to a subset of users, e.g. ones that are already subscribed to the channel in question, using stream_from, rather than being sent to all users on the channel.