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There are several ways to improve Firefox FPS while rendering particles in canvas:

  1. Optimize the particle code: Ensure that the particle code is as efficient as possible. Use requestAnimationFrame for animation rendering rather than setTimeout() or setInterval() to boost performance.

  2. Reduce the number of particles: Reducing the number of particles can significantly boost performance.

  3. Avoid frequent canvas redraws: To avoid constant canvas redraws, minimize unnecessary calls to "fillRect", "strokeRect" or "clearRect". You can also break your canvas into multiple smaller canvases, each with its own particle system, to prevent redraws.

  4. Use a single canvas: Avoid using multiple canvases to improve performance, because each canvas has a significant overhead.

  5. Use WebGL: WebGL is faster than traditional Canvas APIs, especially when rendering a large number of particles. This requires a bit more setup and may require some additional coding, but it can provide a significant improvement in FPS.

  6. Make use of hardware acceleration: Check if hardware acceleration is being used, and if not, enable it to improve FPS. You can check this by typing "about:support" in the Firefox address bar and looking for "Compositing" under the "Graphics" section. If it says "Basic", hardware acceleration is not being used.

  7. Avoid unnecessary calculations: Keep calculations to a minimum, especially those performed inside loops.

By following these tips, you can achieve significant improvements in your Firefox FPS while rendering particles in Canvas.