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There could be several reasons why you may not be able to access the server using SSH public key after deploying a docker container for WordPress/MySQL.

  1. Configuration Issues: It is possible that the SSH public key is not configured correctly with the deployed Docker container. Make sure to check the configuration files for SSH and ensure that the Docker container is properly configured to use SSH keys.

  2. Networking Issues: There could be networking issues preventing you from connecting to the server. Check if the server is reachable from your end and if there are any firewall restrictions blocking the connection.

  3. Docker or Container Issues: There may be issues with the Docker container or the containerized environment that is causing the SSH connection failure. Check logs to see if there are any errors related to SSH authentication, key configuration, or connectivity.

  4. Permissions/Access Issues: It is possible that the SSH public key does not have proper permissions or access to the server. Ensure that the SSH key file is accessible and has the right permissions.

  5. Key Issues: Your SSH public key may be corrupted, inaccessible or it may have been expired or revoked. Make sure the key is valid and check to see if you need to create a new one.