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There are a few possible solutions to this problem:

  1. Make sure that Boost is installed on the system where the submodule is being used. This may require the user to manually install Boost if it is not already available on their system.

  2. Modify the CMake or Makefile for the submodule to include the path to the Boost library. This can be done by setting the BoostINCLUDEDIR and BoostLIBRARYDIR variables in CMake, or by modifying the LIBRARY_PATH environment variable in a Makefile.

  3. Add the Boost library as a dependency in the parent project's build system. This will ensure that the Boost library is available to all submodules that require it.

  4. Include the Boost library as part of the submodule's code repository. This may not be desirable if the Boost library is large and unnecessary for users who do not need it.