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To convert an unsigned integer to a signed integer in C++, the following steps can be followed:

  1. Get the unsigned integer value and store it into a variable (let's call it "val").
  2. Create a variable (let's call it "max") that holds the maximum positive value of the signed integer that you want to convert to. This value can be calculated by taking 2^(n-1).
  3. Create another variable (let's call it "result") of the same type as the signed integer you want to convert to (e.g. int or long), and initialize it to 0.
  4. If the value of "val" is less than or equal to "max", then assign "val" to "result".
  5. If the value of "val" is greater than "max", then subtract "max" from "val", and subtract that result from "max" again. This will give you the equivalent negative value of the signed integer that you want to convert to. Assign this negative value to "result".

Here's the code snippet implementing the above steps:

unsigned int val = 12345; // example unsigned value int n = 8; // example bit size int max = pow(2, n-1); // calculate the maximum positive value int result = 0; // initialize the result

if (val <= max) { result = val; } else { result = val - (2 * max); }

// "result" now contains the equivalent signed integer value of "val"