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There could be several reasons why the binding of Kotlin Dagger Hilt is missing:

  1. Incorrect package import: Make sure that the package for the class or interface is imported correctly. If the package import is incorrect, the class or interface will not be found, resulting in a missing binding.

  2. Unannotated class or interface: If the class or interface is not annotated properly with the correct Hilt annotation, the binding will not be generated.

  3. Missing dependency: If a dependency needed to create the binding is missing, Hilt will not be able to generate the binding.

  4. Incorrect scope: If the scope of the Hilt component or module is not defined correctly, Hilt will not be able to generate the binding.

  5. Circular dependencies: If there are circular dependencies in the Hilt component graph, Hilt may not be able to generate a binding for a particular class or interface.

  6. Compilation errors: If there are compilation errors in the code, Hilt may not be able to generate the binding.

To resolve the issue, check for these common reasons and make sure that the Hilt component graph is set up correctly.