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The "NoBrokersAvailable" error in Kafka occurs when the client is unable to connect to any of the brokers specified in the bootstrap.servers configuration parameter. This can happen for several reasons:

  1. Network connectivity issues: Ensure that the client is able to connect to the network and that the broker is accessible over the network.

  2. Incorrect broker addresses: Verify that the bootstrap.servers configuration parameter is set to the correct IP address and port of the Kafka broker.

  3. Firewall or proxy settings: Check whether the firewall or proxy settings are blocking the connection to the broker.

  4. Incorrect authentication credentials: If the broker is configured with authentication, verify that the client has the correct credentials to connect to the broker.

  5. Kafka server issues: In some cases, the broker may be experiencing issues such as high CPU or network utilization, which could cause connectivity issues.

To resolve the issue, you can try the following steps:

  1. Verify the network connectivity between the client and broker.

  2. Verify the bootstrap.servers configuration parameter is set correctly.

  3. Check the firewall and proxy settings to ensure they are not blocking the connection.

  4. Verify the authentication credentials if the broker is configured with authentication.

  5. Check the status of the Kafka server and restart it if necessary.