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To set up communication between an Arduino and PyBluez via Bluetooth, the following steps can be followed:

  1. Hardware setup: Connect a Bluetooth module to the Arduino board. The Bluetooth module can be HC-05/HC-06 or any other Bluetooth module that supports serial communication. Check the datasheet for the module to know the pin configuration.

  2. Install PyBluez: Install the PyBluez Python library on the computer where PyBluez code will be run.

  3. Install PySerial: Install the PySerial module on the computer.

  4. Arduino code: Write an Arduino code that sends and receives data using the Bluetooth module. The code should use the SoftwareSerial library to communicate with the Bluetooth module through the pins that are configured to be TX and RX. A simple example:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial BTSerial(10, 11); // RX, TX

void setup() {
  BTSerial.begin(9600); // Set the data rate for Bluetooth communication

void loop() {
  // Read data from Bluetooth
  if (BTSerial.available()) {
    char data = (char);
    // Do something with the data

  // Send data through Bluetooth
  1. Python code: Write a PyBluez code that communicates with the Bluetooth module. The code should use the PySerial module to communicate with the Bluetooth module over the serial port. A simple example:
import serial
import bluetooth

# Connect to the Bluetooth module using the MAC address
addr = '00:00:00:00:00:00' # Replace with the address of the Bluetooth module
port = 1 # The default Bluetooth serial port on the module
sock = bluetooth.BluetoothSocket(bluetooth.RFCOMM)
sock.connect((addr, port))

# Open the serial port for communication with the Bluetooth module
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0', 9600) # Replace with the serial port of the Bluetooth module

# Read data from the Bluetooth module
while True:
  data = sock.recv(1024)
  # Do something with the data

  # Send data to the Bluetooth module

# Close the connections
  1. Run the code: Upload the Arduino code to the board and run the Python code on the computer. The Arduino should connect to the Bluetooth module and start sending and receiving data. The Python code should be able to communicate with the Bluetooth module through the serial port and receive data from the Arduino.