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To resolve a MySQL deadlock error 1213, you can try the following steps:

  1. Identify the cause of the deadlock: Use the SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS command to identify which transactions are involved in the deadlock and which resource(s) they are trying to access.

  2. Roll back one of the transactions: Determine which transaction is less critical or can be easily rolled back and terminate it by using the KILL statement or the ROLLBACK command.

  3. Retry the transaction: If rolling back a transaction is not an option, retry the transaction after a short delay using the ROLLBACK and START TRANSACTION commands. This may release any locks held on resources and allow the transaction to proceed.

  4. Optimize the queries: You can avoid deadlocks by optimizing the queries, adjusting the isolation level, and reducing the length of the transactions.

  5. Increase resources: If the deadlock error persists frequently, it may be due to insufficient resources such as memory or CPU. Increase the resources or upgrade your server to avoid the deadlock error.