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The closure of a sysrefcursor that is returned from a Plsql Stored Procedure can be managed by following these steps:

  1. Declare the sysrefcursor variable in the PL/SQL block.

  2. Open the cursor using the OPEN command.

  3. Execute the cursor using the EXECUTE command.

  4. Fetch the data using the FETCH command.

  5. Close the cursor using the CLOSE command.

  6. Ensure that the cursor is closed properly by checking for any exceptions or errors.

  7. Release any resources used by the cursor.

  8. Repeat the steps for any additional cursors or datasets.

By properly closing the cursor after it has been used, you can ensure that system resources are not unnecessarily consumed, leading to better performance and stability of the system. Additionally, it is generally good practice to always release any resources that are no longer required as quickly as possible.