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A microservices framework for a system that manages interns would consist of various independent and modular components, each performing a specific task or delivering a particular functionality. The system would be designed using a distributed architecture, where each microservice can communicate with other components through APIs.

The framework would include the following microservices:

  1. Authentication service - responsible for authenticating users and verifying their access permissions
  2. Intern application service - handles intern applications from potential candidates
  3. Intern information service - stores intern information such as personal details and internship progress
  4. Task management service - assigns and tracks intern tasks
  5. Feedback service - collects feedback from team members and supervisors about interns' performance
  6. Communication service - facilitates communication between interns and team members and vice versa
  7. Reporting service - generates various reports related to interns' performance and progress.

Overall, this microservices framework would be highly flexible, scalable, and resilient, enabling the system to handle large volumes of data and traffic effectively.