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To activate SQL debug mode in PostgreSQL version 15.2, you can follow the below steps:

  1. In PostgreSQL, set the logminerror_statement parameter to 'debug5'. This can be done by adding the following line to your postgresql.conf file:

logminerror_statement = 'debug5'

  1. Restart your PostgreSQL server for the configuration changes to take effect.

  2. Connect to your PostgreSQL server using psql.

  3. Set the log_statement parameter to 'all':

SET log_statement = 'all';

  1. Execute your SQL query or queries.

  2. Check the server logs for debug information. The logs can be found in the PostgreSQL data directory, typically under the log/ subdirectory. You may also need to check the system logs for any additional information.

  3. After you have finished debugging, remember to revert the logminerrorstatement and logstatement parameters to their original values.