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You can use the Image module from the Python PIL library to lift or shift an image upwards. Here is an example code that demonstrates how to do so:

from PIL import Image

# Load the image
image ="your_image.png")

# Define the shift amount in pixels
shift = 50

# Create a new image with the same dimensions as the original image
new_image ="RGB", image.size)

# Paste the original image shifted upwards onto the new image
new_image.paste(image.crop((0, shift, image.width, image.height)), (0, 0))

# Save the modified image"shifted_image.png")

In this code, we first load the image using the method. Then, we define the amount of shift we want to apply. We create a new image with the same dimensions as the original image using the method. We then use the crop() method on the original image to select a region starting at (0, shift) and extending to the bottom of the image. We paste this region onto the new image so that it appears at the top-left corner using the paste() method.

Finally, we save the modified image using the save() method. This will create a new image file with the shifted image.