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There are a few steps that can be taken to resolve this issue:

  1. Check the code carefully: Look at the code where the error message is occurring and make sure that you are using the correct syntax and referencing the correct object. It may be that there is a mistake in the code that is causing the error.

  2. Review the documentation: Check the documentation for the gender package that you are using for information on how to correctly identify the gender of a word in class. Look for examples and code snippets that demonstrate how to use the package.

  3. Seek assistance: If you are still having trouble resolving the issue, seek assistance from the developer or community associated with the package. You can post your question on forums, social media, or related websites to get answers from other users or developers.

  4. Use a different package: If all else fails or you find the package difficult to use, consider using a different package that is easier to use, well-documented and user-friendly for identifying the gender of a word in class.