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To update the approval status of a SharePoint List item using Power Automate, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Power Automate flow and select the SharePoint trigger “When an item is created or modified”.

  2. Add a new “Condition” action to check if the approval status of the list item is “Pending”.

  3. If the approval status is “Pending”, add a “Set content approval status” action to update the approval status of the item.

  4. In the “Set content approval status” action, select the SharePoint site and list where the item is located.

  5. Enter the item ID in the “ID” field, and select the new approval status in the “Approval Status” field.

  6. Save the flow and test it by creating or modifying a SharePoint List item with a “Pending” approval status.

  7. The flow should update the approval status of the item to the new status you have chosen.