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To merge arrays using a foreach loop in PHP, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Define the arrays you want to merge.
  2. Create a new array to store the merged values.
  3. Use a foreach loop to iterate over each array and append their values to the new array.
  4. Return the new array.

Here's an example code snippet to merge two arrays using a foreach loop:

$fruits1 = array("apple", "banana", "orange");
$fruits2 = array("pineapple", "mango", "papaya");

$merged = array();

foreach ($fruits1 as $fruit) {
    $merged[] = $fruit;

foreach ($fruits2 as $fruit) {
    $merged[] = $fruit;



    [0] => apple
    [1] => banana
    [2] => orange
    [3] => pineapple
    [4] => mango
    [5] => papaya

In this example, we first define two arrays, $fruits1 and $fruits2, containing some fruit names. We then create an empty array called $merged to store the merged values.

Next, we use two foreach loops to iterate over each array and append their values to the $merged array using the array_push() function.

Finally, we print the $merged array using print_r() function to verify that the arrays have been successfully merged.