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When there is a modification in the OwnsOne table, you can update the property in EF Core by following these steps:

  1. Retrieve the entity that contains the OwnsOne property from the database using the DbContext.

  2. Modify the OwnsOne property by changing its value or properties.

  3. Call the SaveChanges method of the DbContext to save the changes to the database.

Here's an example of how you can update the OwnsOne property of an entity:

// Retrieve the entity from the database
var entity = dbContext.Entities.FirstOrDefault();

// Modify the OwnsOne property
entity.OwnsOne.Property1 = "New Value";
entity.OwnsOne.Property2 = 123;

// Save the changes to the database

In the example above, Property1 and Property2 are properties of the OwnsOne table. You can modify them directly by accessing the OwnsOne property of the entity. Once the changes are made, you need to call SaveChanges to save the changes to the database.