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To customize the options in GridColumnMenuCheckboxFilter of KendoReact grid for localization purposes, you can use the following approach:

  1. Define a custom filter item template for the GridColumnMenuCheckboxFilter component. This template should include the translation of the options using your preferred localization library.
const customFilterItem = (props) => {
  const { text, checked, onChange } = props;
  const optionText = getTranslation(text); // Use your preferred localization library here

  return (
    <div className="k-item">
      <label className="k-label">
        <span className="k-checkbox-label">{optionText}</span>
  1. Pass the custom filter item template to the GridColumnMenuCheckboxFilter component as a prop.
  itemRender={customFilterItem} // Pass the custom template here
  1. Use your localization library to define the translations for the filter options. For example, with i18next library:
const resources = {
  en: {
    translation: {
      status: {
        Active: 'Active',
        Inactive: 'Inactive',
        Pending: 'Pending'
  fr: {
    translation: {
      status: {
        Active: 'Actif',
        Inactive: 'Inactif',
        Pending: 'En attente'
  1. Define a function that retrieves the translation for a given key from the current language resources.
function getTranslation(key) {
  return i18next.t(`status.${key}`);

With this approach, the filter options will be localized according to the current language, and you can use any localization library that you prefer.