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To create a bar chart with two sets of x-axis labels, you can use a dual-axis chart. Follow these steps:

  1. Collect your data and organize it in a spreadsheet.
  2. Select the data for the first set of x-axis labels and add it to a column chart.
  3. Once the chart is created, right-click on the second set of data points and select "Change Series Chart Type."
  4. From the menu, select a line chart.
  5. Right-click on the line chart and select "Format data series."
  6. Click on the "Marker Options" and select "None."
  7. Adjust the colors and formatting of the line chart as desired.
  8. Right-click on the chart area and select "Format Chart Area."
  9. In the "Properties" section, select "Secondary Category Axis" and "Show Axis in Chart."
  10. Adjust the formatting of the secondary axis labels as desired.
  11. Add a chart title and legend as needed.

Your bar chart with two sets of x-axis labels should now be complete.