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There are a few potential solutions to this issue:

  1. Check the input data: The "Invalid JSON primitive" error often indicates that the data being passed to ConvertFrom-Json is not valid JSON. Check the input data to ensure that it is properly formatted according to JSON syntax.

  2. Use the -Raw parameter: If you are reading data from a file or other source using Get-Content, try using the -Raw parameter to ensure that the entire file is read as a single string. This can help ensure that the data is properly formatted as JSON.

  3. Check for unexpected characters: Sometimes special characters or unexpected data can cause issues with ConvertFrom-Json. Use a tool like JSONLint to validate the JSON data and check for any unexpected characters or syntax errors.

  4. Ensure the latest PowerShell version is installed: Some older versions of PowerShell may not fully support all JSON functions or syntax. Ensure that you have the latest version of PowerShell installed, and consider updating or upgrading if necessary.

  5. Use a different JSON parser: If ConvertFrom-Json continues to produce errors, consider using a different JSON parser, such as Newtonsoft.Json or the JavaScriptSerializer class in .NET. These alternative parsers may be more forgiving of certain types of syntax errors or unexpected data.