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There are a few potential solutions that could help with this issue:

  1. Ensure that the Graph API permissions are set correctly. Make sure that the necessary permissions are granted for the workbook you are trying to access, and that you are using the correct user account to access it.

  2. Check the range reference syntax. Ensure that the range reference is correct and follows the proper syntax. This includes the correct worksheet and cell reference.

  3. Ensure that the range you are trying to access has data in it. If the range is blank, then the WorkbookRange will also be blank.

  4. Try using the beta version of the Graph API. Sometimes the beta version may have resolved the issue you are facing.

  5. Check for any updates or hotfixes for your version of the Microsoft Graph SDK. Some versions may have known issues that have since been resolved.

  6. Consider using an alternative method of accessing the workbook data, such as by using the Excel Object Model or the Open XML SDK.