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To put an application manager in place to manage the system, the following steps can be taken:

  1. Identify the need for an application manager: Determine why an application manager is required and what tasks it will be responsible for.

  2. Define the role and responsibilities: Clearly define the role of the application manager and what responsibilities they will have.

  3. Define the qualifications and skills required: Identify the skills and qualifications required for an individual to fulfill the role of the application manager.

  4. Identify potential candidates: Search for potential candidates who meet the qualifications and skills required for the job.

  5. Conduct interviews: Interview the potential candidates to assess their skills, experience, and qualifications.

  6. Hire the most suitable candidate: Select the candidate who is best qualified for the role and who meets the organization's needs.

  7. Provide training: Provide the manager with training and support to ensure they are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their job effectively.

  8. Establish reporting mechanisms: Establish reporting mechanisms to ensure the application manager is accountable for the tasks assigned to them.

  9. Measure performance: Regularly measure the performance of the application manager to ensure they are meeting the objectives of their role.

  10. Provide feedback: Provide feedback to the application manager to enable them to improve their performance and meet their goals.