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Yes, a Flutter application can display a message when a user presses the headset button. You can use the Flutter plugins such as flutter_media_notification and flutter_mediabuttons, which provide APIs to receive the headset button events and display messages accordingly.

Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to display a message when the headset button is clicked:

import 'package:flutter_media_notification/flutter_media_notification.dart';
import 'package:flutter_mediabuttons/flutter_mediabuttons.dart';

// inside your widget's build method

MediaButtonEventHandler.onMediaButtonEvent.listen((event) {
  if (event == {
    // Show a message when the headset button is clicked.
        SnackBar(content: Text('Headset button clicked')));

    title: "Song Title",
    author: "Artist Name",
    playButtonEnabled: true,
    stopButtonEnabled: true,

Note that you need to handle the media button events using the MediaButtonEventHandler and also use the MediaNotification class to display the media notification in the notification bar.