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Session sharing between a REACT application and a PHP application can be achieved by using a shared session storage system. The steps involved are:

  1. Decide on a shared session storage system: A shared session storage system is a way for both applications to access the same session data. This can be achieved using a database, file system, or in-memory cache.

  2. Implement the shared session storage system: Both the REACT application and PHP application need to be able to read and write session data to the shared storage system. This can be done by creating custom middleware or plugins for each application that implement the storage system.

  3. Configure both applications to use the shared storage system: The configuration of both applications needs to be changed to use the shared session storage system instead of the default session storage.

  4. Share session data between the applications: Once both applications are using the same shared session storage system, session data can be passed between them using HTTP cookies or other mechanisms.

By following the steps above, session sharing between a REACT application and a PHP application can be achieved.