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A 2D matrix can be transformed into a 3D array by adding a third dimension to the matrix. This can be achieved by creating a new array with dimensions (n, m, 1) where n and m are the dimensions of the original 2D matrix. The values from the 2D matrix can then be copied into the new array along the first two dimensions, while the third dimension is set to a constant value for all elements. This will result in a 3D array where each element in the original matrix is represented in a single layer of the third dimension.

Alternatively, if the matrix represents a grayscale image, it can be transformed into a 3D array by creating a new array with dimensions (n, m, 3) where n and m are the dimensions of the original matrix. Each element in the matrix can then be set to the value of the red, green, and blue channels of a new RGB value, resulting in a 3D array where each element in the original matrix is represented as a single pixel in a 3D image.