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There could be multiple reasons for your inability to log into the MySQL server:

  1. Incorrect credentials: Make sure that you are using the correct username and password to log into the MySQL server. Also, ensure that the user has the necessary permissions to access the database.

  2. Firewall settings: Check if the firewall settings on the MySQL server are blocking the incoming requests from the ASP.NET application.

  3. Container networking: Make sure that the MySQL container and the ASP.NET container are in the same network and can communicate with each other.

  4. Docker service not running: Ensure that Docker is running on your machine, and the Docker service is up and running.

  5. Port mapping: Check if the ports on the MySQL container are correctly mapped to the host port and that the ASP.NET application is using the correct port to communicate with the MySQL server.

  6. Improper configuration: Verify if the MySQL server and ASP.NET application are properly configured and the connection string is correct.

  7. Version compatibility: Ensure that the MySQL server and ASP.NET application versions are compatible with each other.

By identifying the specific issue, you can resolve the connectivity issue and access the MySQL server from the ASP.NET application.