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There are several ways to reduce the difficulty of pipe lining in Bash shell scripting:

  1. Use modular scripts: Breaking down complex scripts into smaller, more manageable modules can make the task of pipe lining much easier. Each module can be tested and debugged independently, and the final script can be assembled by linking the modules together.

  2. Avoid complex commands: Complex commands with multiple options and arguments can be hard to pipe-line. It is best to stick with simple commands that take minimal input, and can output easily digestible information.

  3. Use readable formatting: Using readable formatting, such as whitespace and indentation can make it easier to pipe-line script commands. Grouping related commands together can also make the script easier to read and understand.

  4. Clearly define input and output: Clearly defining the input and output of each command in a script can help ensure that pipe-lining is successful. Knowing what data is coming in and what data is expected to go out can help in constructing an efficient pipeline.

  5. Use tools and utilities: Using standard tools and utilities such as awk, sed, and grep can help simplify and streamline the process of pipe-lining shell scripts. These tools provide powerful functionality for processing and manipulating data, and can be easily integrated into a pipeline workflow.