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There are various ways to adjust the proxy_pass based on the varying response of the API:

  1. Using nginx variables: nginx variables can be used to capture and store information from the API response. These variables can then be used in the proxy_pass directive to dynamically adjust it based on the response.

  2. Using Lua scripting: Lua scripting can be used to customize the proxypass based on the API response. Lua can access and parse the API response to determine how the proxypass should be adjusted.

  3. Using conditional statements: nginx allows for conditional statements to be included in the configuration file. These statements can be used to adjust the proxy_pass based on certain conditions in the API response.

  4. Using multiple upstream servers: if the API response varies widely, it may be necessary to use multiple upstream servers with different proxy_pass settings. This can be achieved by configuring nginx to use different upstream servers based on specific criteria in the API response.

Ultimately, the appropriate method will depend on the specific needs and requirements of the application.