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To ensure that an object cannot pass through a wall created with boxGeometry in Three.js, the following steps can be taken:

  1. Create a mesh for the wall using BoxGeometry and make sure that it has a collider or bounding box that matches its size and shape.

  2. Set the object's position to the outside of the wall and set its velocity towards the wall.

  3. Add collision detection code that checks if the object is colliding with the wall during each frame update.

  4. If a collision is detected, calculate the correct position and velocity for the object so that it stays on the outside of the wall and does not pass through.

  5. You can also make the wall "solid" by setting its friction and restitution properties to high values, which will make it less likely for objects to pass through.

By following these steps, you can ensure that objects cannot pass through walls created with boxGeometry in Three.js.