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An Android device can establish a connection between a client and server using Bluetooth by following these steps:

  1. Enable Bluetooth on both devices (client and server)

  2. On the server device, create a Bluetooth server socket using the BluetoothServerSocket class.

  3. On the client device, create a Bluetooth client socket using the BluetoothSocket class.

  4. On the client device, use the BluetoothDevice class to find the server device and obtain its Bluetooth device object.

  5. On the client device, use the BluetoothSocket class to connect to the server device using the server's device object and UUID.

  6. On the server device, call the accept() method on the BluetoothServerSocket to listen for incoming client connections.

  7. Once a connection is established, the client and server can exchange data using input and output streams.

Note: Proper permissions are required in the AndroidManifest.xml for using Bluetooth in your application.