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To establish a connection between Ionic BLE and a device's Mac Address on iOS:

  1. Install the Ionic Native BLE plugin in your Ionic project by running the following command in your terminal:

    ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-ble-central
    npm install @ionic-native/ble
  2. Import the Ionic Native BLE plugin in your component, and create a function to connect to a device using the device's Mac Address:

    import { BLE } from '@ionic-native/ble/ngx';
    export class HomePage {
     constructor(private ble: BLE) { }
     connectToDevice(macAddress: string) {
         peripheral => console.log('Connected to', peripheral),
         error => console.log('Error connecting to', macAddress, error)
  3. Call the connectToDevice function with the Mac Address of the device you want to connect to:


Note: Make sure that the device's Bluetooth is turned on and that the device is discoverable. Also, some devices require a pairing process before they can be connected, so make sure to check the device's documentation for any specific instructions.