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To obtain all Github issues related to a particular project using the GraphQL API, follow these steps:

  1. Start by creating a Personal Access Token (PAT) from your Github account. This is required as it serves as an authentication method for interacting with the GraphQL API.

  2. Using your code editor, create a GraphQL query that fetches all issues associated with your target project. Ensure to specify the type of query as query and include any relevant parameters such as owner, name, and project number.

query IssuesRelatedToProject {
  repository(owner: "owner_name", name: "repository_name") {
    project(number: <<project_number>>) {
      issues(first: 100) {
        nodes {
  1. Once your query is updated with your specific details, head over to your Github GraphQL Explorer and paste the query into the Explorer’s text box.

  2. Click the play button to execute the query and retrieve all issues related to the target project.

After completing these steps, you will be able to view all issues related to the target project from the Github platform.