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Assuming the tag value refers to the text content of the tag, the following steps can be taken to obtain the value of a tag using an absolute XML path and XPath:

  1. Create an XML document object using the XML file.
  2. Use an XPath expression with an absolute path to locate the tag in the XML document.
  3. Append "/text()" to the XPath expression to retrieve the text content of the tag.
  4. Use a method such as ".evaluate()" or ".selectSingleNode()" to select the tag and retrieve its value.

Here is an example using Python and the lxml library:

from lxml import etree

# Create an XML document object
xml_doc = etree.parse("example.xml")

# Construct the XPath expression with an absolute path
xpath_expr = "/root/element/subelement"

# Append "/text()" to retrieve the tag value
xpath_expr += "/text()"

# Use the evaluate() method to select the tag and retrieve its value
tag_value = xml_doc.xpath(xpath_expr)[0]

print(tag_value)  # Output: "Tag Value"

In this example, the XPath expression "/root/element/subelement/text()" selects the "subelement" tag within the "element" tag within the "root" tag, and retrieves its text content ("Tag Value").