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To perform a hit test or event on a TListBoxGroupHeader in FireMonkey, you can follow these steps:

  1. Add a TListBox to your FireMonkey form.
  2. Set the StyleLookup property of the TListBox to 'listboxstyle'.
  3. Add one or more TListBoxGroupHeader components to the TListBox by clicking on the 'Items' property and selecting 'Add Group Header'.
  4. Double click on the TListBox to create an OnItemClick event.
  5. Inside the OnItemClick event, check if the item clicked is a TListBoxGroupHeader by using the following code:
if ListBox1.ListItems[Item.Index] is TListBoxGroupHeader then
 //perform your hit test or event here
  1. You can now perform your hit test or event inside the if statement to handle the click of the TListBoxGroupHeader.

Note: The above steps assume that you are using a TListBoxGroupHeader component in your FireMonkey application. If you are using a different component, the steps may vary.